Acute etymology


English word acute comes from Proto-Indo-European *aḱ-, and later Latin acus (A needle, a pin. Bodkin.)

Etymology of acute

Detailed word origin of acute

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*aḱ- Proto-Indo-European (ine) sharp, sharp, pointed, edgy, sharp, pointed
acus Latin (lat) A needle, a pin. Bodkin.
acuere Latin (lat)
acutus Latin (lat)
acute English (en) (botany) With the sides meeting directly to form an acute angle (at an apex or base). (geometry) Of a triangle, having all three interior angles measuring less than 90 degrees.. (geometry) Of an angle, less than 90 degrees.. (medicine) Of a short-lived condition, in contrast to a chronic condition; this sense also does not imply severity.. (medicine) Of an abnormal condition of recent or [...]

Words with the same origin as acute

Descendants of *aḱ-

acid are axe cute ear earth earthquake edge egg hammer veal yo