Century etymology


English word century comes from Proto-Indo-European *ḱm̥tóm (Hundred.)

Etymology of century

Detailed word origin of century

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*ḱm̥tóm Proto-Indo-European (ine) Hundred.
*kentom Proto-Italic (itc-pro) Hundred (100).
centum Latin (lat) (cardinal) a hundred; 100.
centuria Latin (lat) (figuratively) any similar division, regardless of number. (historical, _, military) a company of Roman infantry, the smallest tactical division of a legion, originally of 100 men but later varying between 60 and 160. (historical, _, military) a company of auxiliary infantry equivalent to an Roman cohort, first established during the Imperial era.. (historical, _, politics) a traditional [...]
centurie Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro)
centurie Middle English (1100-1500) (enm)
century English (en) (US, informal) A banknote in the denomination of one hundred dollars.. (cricket) A hundred runs scored either by a single player in one innings, or by two players in a partnership.. (sports) A race a hundred units (as meters, kilometres, miles) in length.. A hundred like things; a hundred.. A period of 100 consecutive years; often specifically a numbered period with conventional start and [...]

Words with the same origin as century

Descendants of *ḱm̥tóm
