Chill etymology


English word chill comes from Proto-Germanic *kaliz (Cold, coldness.)

Etymology of chill

Detailed word origin of chill

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*kaliz Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) Cold, coldness.
Ä‹ele Old English (ca. 450-1100) (ang)
chile Middle English (1100-1500) (enm)
chill English (en) A lack of warmth and cordiality; unfriendliness.. A moderate, but uncomfortable and penetrating coldness.. A sense of style; trendiness; savoir faire.. A sudden penetrating sense of cold, especially one that causes a brief trembling nerve response through the body; the trembling response itself; often associated with illness: fevers and chills, or susceptibility to illness.. An iron mould or [...]

Words with the same origin as chill

Descendants of *kaliz
