Colony etymology


English word colony comes from Latin colonia (settlement, colony) from colonus (farmer, inhabitant) from colare (till, cultivate, worship), which ultimately derives from Proto-Indo-European *kʷel- (move, turn around)

Etymology of colony

Detailed word origin of colony

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*kʷel- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to move; to turn (around)
*quelo Latin (lat)
colare Latin (lat) till, cultivate, worship
colonus Latin (lat) Colonist, colonial, inhabitant. Farmer.
colonia Latin (lat) (metonymy) The people composing a colony, colonists.. A colony, settlement.. A possession in land, land attached to a farm, estate.
colony English (en) (India) An apartment complex.. A collective noun for rabbits.. A group of organisms of same or different species living together in close association.. A group of people with the same interests or ethnic origin concentrated in a particular geographic area. A settlement of emigrants who move to a new place, but remain culturally tied to their original place of origin. Governmental unit [...]

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