Conscience etymology


English word conscience comes from Latin sciendus, Latin con-, Latin con, and later Latin scientia (Knowledge.)

Etymology of conscience

Detailed word origin of conscience

Dictionary entry Language Definition
sciendus Latin (lat)
con- Latin (lat) Used in compounds to indicate a being or bringing together of several objects. Used in compounds to indicate the completeness, perfecting of any act, and thus gives intensity to the signification of the simple word.
con Latin (lat)
scientia Latin (lat) Knowledge.
ști Romanian (ron) (reflexive) to be known. To know (generally said of facts).
com- Latin (lat)
conscio Latin (lat) I am conscious of, have on my conscience.. I know well.
conscire Latin (lat)
conscientis Latin (lat)
conscientia Latin (lat) Knowledge shared with others, being in the know or privy to, joint knowledge; complicity. Knowledge within oneself of right or wrong; conscience; remorse. Knowledge within oneself, consciousness, feeling.
conscience Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) Conscience.
conscience English (en) (chiefly fiction) A personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices.. (obsolete) Consciousness; thinking; awareness, especially self-awareness.. The moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour.