Cruel etymology


English word cruel comes from Proto-Indo-European *krewh₂-, Proto-Indo-European - -rós, and later Proto-Indo-European *kruh₂rós (Bloody.)

Etymology of cruel

Detailed word origin of cruel

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*krewh₂- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
- -rós Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*kruh₂rós Proto-Indo-European (ine) Bloody.
crudus Latin (lat) (figuratively) crude, cruel, rough. Immature, unripe, premature. Raw, bloody, bleeding. Unprepared, raw, uncooked.
crudelis Latin (lat) Ruthless, cruel, merciless. Unfeeling, rude.
cruel English (en) (Australia, ambitransitive) To violently provoke (a child) in the belief that this will make them more assertive.. (chiefly, Australia, New Zealand) To spoil or ruin (one's chance of success) (slang) Cool; awesome; neat.. Not nice; mean; heartless.

Words with the same origin as cruel

Descendants of *krewh₂-

row rowdy rue ruthless

Descendants of - -rós

sour sure verify very