Gravity etymology


English word gravity comes from Proto-Indo-European *gʷreh₂-, Proto-Indo-European - -us

Etymology of gravity

Detailed word origin of gravity

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*gʷreh₂- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
- -us Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*gʷr̥h₂éw- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*grāwis Proto-Italic (itc-pro)
grave(gravem|m) Latin (lat)
gravity Latin (lat)
gravity English (en) Gravitation, universal force exercised by two bodies onto each other (In casual discussion, gravity and gravitation are often used interchangeably).. Resultant force on Earth's surface, of the attraction by the Earth's masses, and the centrifugal pseudo-force caused by the Earth's rotation.. Specific gravity.. The state or condition of being grave (graveness).. The state or condition of [...]

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