Guide etymology


English word guide comes from Proto-Indo-European *wóyde (To have seen, to know.)

Etymology of guide

Detailed word origin of guide

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*wóyde Proto-Indo-European (ine) To have seen, to know.
*wītaną Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) To go; go forth; part. To punish; torment. To see; know.
*witaną Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) To know.
*witan Frankish (frk)
*guider Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro)
giden Middle English (1100-1500) (enm)
guide English (en) (military) A member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.. (occult) A spirit believed to speak through a medium.. (printing, dated) A strip or device to direct the compositor's eye to the line of copy being set.. A blade or channel for directing the flow of water to the buckets in a water wheel.. A device that guides part of a machine, [...]

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