Protection etymology


English word protection comes from Latin tego (I cover; I clothe.. I protect.), Latin pro, Latin pro-

Etymology of protection

Detailed word origin of protection

Dictionary entry Language Definition
tego Latin (lat) I cover; I clothe.. I protect.
pro Latin (lat) About. According to. As befitting. As, like. Before. For. In front, instead of. On behalf of.
pro- Latin (lat) (prefixed to verbs of utterance) in place of, on behalf of. (temporally) prior, fore-. Action directed forward or in front. Advantage. Bringing into being, forth, or into the open. Downward and forward movement. Forward direction, forward movement. Prominence.
protegere Latin (lat)
protectus Latin (lat)
prōtectiō Late Latin (LL)
protection English (en) (computing) An instance of a security token associated with a resource (such as a file).. (economics) Restrictions on foreign competitors which limit their ability to compete with domestic producers of goods or services.. (insurance) Coverage.. A means of keeping or remaining safe.. A means, such as a condom, of preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease.. Immunity from harm [...]

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