Venio etymology


Latin word venio comes from Proto-Indo-European *gʷem-, Proto-Indo-European *-yéti, and later Proto-Italic *gʷenjō (To come.)

Etymology of venio

Detailed word origin of venio

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*gʷem- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*-yéti Proto-Indo-European (ine) Creates intransitive, often deponent, imperfective verbs from roots.
*gʷm̥-yé-ti Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*gʷm̥yéti Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*gʷenjō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) To come.
venio Latin (lat) (intransitive) I approach. (intransitive) I come.

Words with the same origin as venio

Descendants of *gʷem-

edepol exitus venire ventus

Descendants of *-yéti

animo auro bello cibo cito libro tertio