Brute etymology


English word brute comes from Proto-Indo-European *gʷreh₂-

Etymology of brute

Detailed word origin of brute

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*gʷreh₂- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*gʷr̥h₂éw- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
brutus Latin (lat) Dull, stupid, insensible, unreasonable, irrational. Heavy, unwieldy.
brut Middle French (frm)
brute English (en) (archaic, UK, Cambridge University slang) One who has not yet matriculated.. (now, _, archaic) An animal seen as being without human reason; a senseless beast. [from 17th c.]. A person with the characteristics of an unthinking animal; a coarse or brutal person. [from 17th c.] Being unconnected with intelligence or thought; purely material, senseless. [from 16th c.]. Brutal; cruel; fierce; [...]

Words with the same origin as brute

Descendants of *gʷreh₂-

barrister base blitz brutal grave gravity grief guru