Transition etymology


English word transition comes from Latin ire, Latin trans-, and later Latin transitio (Desertion. Infection, contagion. Transit, passage.)

Etymology of transition

Detailed word origin of transition

Dictionary entry Language Definition
ire Latin (lat)
trans- Latin (lat)
transire Latin (lat)
transitio Latin (lat) Desertion. Infection, contagion. Transit, passage.
transition Middle French (frm)
transition English (en) (intransitive) To make a transition.. (intransitive, LGBT) To change from one gender role to another, or bring one's outward appearance in line with one's internal gender identity.. (transitive) To bring through a transition; to change. (LGBT) The process or act of changing from one gender role to another, or of bringing one's outward appearance in line with one's internal gender identity.. [...]

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